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Water mold disease


There are flocculating deposits on skin or fin.

This disease makes congestion around affected area. The eggs are surrounded by flocculating deposits and become white.


Saprolegnia, Achlya, and Aphanomyces which belong to the family Saprolegniaceae are the causes of the disease Saprolegniasis.
Due to their thread-like characteristics, they are also called mycelium.
These hyphae penetrate the body and absorb nutrients like the roots of a plant.
The spores of Saprolegnia are aquatic and are called zoospores.
It is not easy for healthy fish to be infected with Saprolegniasis, however, with injuries, bacterial infection, or external parasitic wounds, It is likely to lead to death.
Saprolegniasis occurs as a complication of the above situations.
The infection usually happens to dead eggs. If left it untreated, the fungus will spread to live eggs until death.


The treatment is to change the water about 1/2~1/3 and take a medical bath with appropriate medicine.
It is also effective to take out Saprolegniasis from sick fish by pinset and then apply the medicine on infected parts directly.
0.5% saltwater is also workable.
Basically, Saprolegniasis is a complication, the best way is to avoid main cause.
Take antibacterial agent if the main cause is bacteria; take repellent if the main cause is parasite. The use of combination is possible.
But if you use both medicines together, please careful don’t take it which have the same ingredients.

Medical treatment

Green FGreen F LiquidAgtenAgten powderMethylene blue aqueous solution

薬品名 薬効期間
Green F 5~7日
Green F Liquid
Methylene blue aqueous solution
Agten 2~3日
Agten powder
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