- 2015.07.02
栗原養魚場 訪問
栗原養魚場 訪問 Kurihara fish farm visit 埼玉県こだわりの鯉職人の栗原社長! 新潟県と埼玉県の地の利を生かした鯉作りの巧みな技は正に職人!埼玉にこの方有 り 楽しかったです 有難う御座いました! Kurihara fish farm visit Kurihara president of koi craftsman of Saitama Prefecture Good! […]
栗原養魚場 訪問 Kurihara fish farm visit 埼玉県こだわりの鯉職人の栗原社長! 新潟県と埼玉県の地の利を生かした鯉作りの巧みな技は正に職人!埼玉にこの方有 り 楽しかったです 有難う御座いました! Kurihara fish farm visit Kurihara president of koi craftsman of Saitama Prefecture Good! […]
Tani Fish Farm visit. Thank you for choosing JPD and recommend customer ! One of the famous koi bleeder and exporter in Chiba prefecture. CEO Kenji Tani has a lot of the over sea customers and experie […]
協和水産訪問 千葉の鯉職人の重鎮 武勇伝お聞かせ頂き大変勉強になりました!諸先輩がたを見習い温故知新の精神で精進して参ります。 大和錦ご注文有難う御座いました。 富士桜、将軍 是非お試し下さい。 秋にはご感想お待ちしています
KO-BARA visit They have really nice Japanese style pond at the shop also can make pond for the customers. Thank you for your order !!!! It was a very fun to see your pond .
BIMEX visit JPD business partner I am very happy business with then. Holland Belgium Luxembourg Agent Please contact to them if you need JPD product.
vijveraccent visit in Holland. Mr.Friso Simons san Thank you for your using Yamato at your shop also to sale. Please test Shori Fuyufuji Fujizakura. I believe you will be accept .
MPKOI made JPD mobile. How to make it???? I would like introduce as below photo .
MPKOI visit in Holland. JPD should be great appreciate with MPKOI. They are absolutely definitely NO-1 JPD exposer koi dealer in EU. Hontouni Arigatou Gozaimasu. Always very happy to visit.
Wil Koi visit in Holland. Mr.Wilco Van de Giessen Thank you for your listening my Presentation and accept for JPD development concept. Please try to sale all JPD items at your shop .
Koi center TIEL visit in Holland. They has perfectly Azukari pond system which mean Koi hotel for the customer. Mr.Joachim Luisman san’s customer got the many prize at the competition because th […]