JPD koi video photo collections
[Grand Champion of All Japan Young Koi Show 2021]
Owner :
Takahiro Toyama
Narita Koi Farms Japan
Momotaro Koi Farm
[Created Koi history ]
For the first time ever, male Koi get the Grand Champion at All Japan Young Koi show !!!
Big congratulations to Mr. Daisuke Maeda first time to get the Grand Champion for Momotaro Koi Farm winning at AJKS Wakagoi Show.
[Momotaro Male Kohaku 63 Bu for the first time winning at Wakagoi Show.]
Thank you for choosing JPD product.
We are very proud of corporating with Momotaro Koi Farm and Narita Koi Farms Japan and also owner Mr. Toyama as well.