Gatwick koi visit on 23rd September 2019. One of the longest JPD customer in England.

Gatwick koi visit on 23rd September 2019. One of the longest JPD customer in England.

Gatwick koi visit on 23rd September 2019. One of the longest JPD customer in England. Mr. Gary Smith has a lot of koi experience and very good to explain how to do koi keeping to the customers. That’s why this shop is very popular.
When I visit here, lots of the customers are visiting and listening koi talk from him. Gary san thank you for introducing your new quarantine facility. I proud you have perfectly doing health control before to selling to the customers. Zero possibility contamination of one each koi breeders fish, 22 ℃ water temperature control and minimum 6 weeks maintenance.
I am guaranteed his recommended koi are healthy definitely. I believe that such a high responsibility koi dealer is capable create koi industry for the future. .good see you again Gary see you in Japan .