Grand Champion Koi ในปีนี้ครับ
The 8th ZNA TKKG Koi show
26 September 2020
JPD Thailand PCN
Mr.Takoengdech Winaithum san
is attending at this show.
Big congratulations to all prize owners dealers and breeders.
I miss Thailand koi loves.
Please stay safe and stay healthy.
Non Gosanke Grand Champion A as below .
#錦鯉 #鯉 #コイ #koi #koihandel #jpd #jpdkoi #jpdkoifood #nishikigoi #koilover #koilovers #koishow #zna #znakoishow #znathailand #koiphoto #koivideo #jpdkoiphotocollection
ขอแสดงความยินดี Grand Champion Koi ในปีนี้ครับThe 8th ZNA TKKG Koi show 26 September 2020JPD Thailand PCNMr.Takoengdech Winaithum sanis attending at this show.Big congratulations to all prize owners dealers and breeders.I miss Thailand koi loves.Please stay safe and stay healthy. Non Gosanke Grand Champion A as below .#錦鯉 #鯉 #コイ #koi #koihandel #jpd #jpdkoi #jpdkoifood #nishikigoi #koilover #koilovers #koishow #zna #znakoishow #znathailand #koiphoto #koivideo #jpdkoiphotocollection #shusuikoi
吉田 隆一さんの投稿 2020年9月28日月曜日