AO Aokiya breed
“Beni Kikoku Ryu”
Grand Champion B at International Junior Koi Show 2017.
It was a Big congratulations!!!!
JPD very proud of Mr. Aoki feeding the entry koi with JPD koi food before entry to the koi show.
Handle by Narita Koi farms Japan. #koi #koishow #koilovers #koilover #kawarigoi #aoaokiya #beniginga #jpd #jpdkoi #jpdkoifood #naritakoifarmsjapan
AO Aokiya breed“Beni Kikoku Ryu”Grand Champion B at International Junior Koi Show 2017.It was a Big congratulations!!!!JPD very proud of Mr. Aoki feeding the entry koi with JPD koi food before entry to the koi show.Handle by Narita Koi farms Japan. #koi #koishow #koilovers #koilover #kawarigoi #aoaokiya #beniginga #jpd #jpdkoi #jpdkoifood #naritakoifarmsjapan
吉田 隆一さんの投稿 2020年6月24日水曜日