成田養鯉園 日本動物薬品

成田養鯉園 日本動物薬品

成田養鯉園 日本動物薬品
メディK 発売中
“MEDI K” collaborative developed by Narita Koi Farm and Japan Pet Design is now on sale. Greatly Sold!

This food is ultimate health maintenance food collaborative by world best handler and Japanese best fish medicine manufacturer.

In Narita Koi Farm, they are using 10% of MEDI K mixing in the daily food for infection prevention and finishing up for the competition from 1 month before.

First of all, congratulation to All Japan koi show Prize Owner and Breeder.JPD appreciate lot of the our food used for many prize koi.I am so happy result at this show.
CEO Ryuki Narita Shacho getting a lot of prizes at 47th All Japan Koi Show.
416 entries at this show and got the 7 main title of course Grand Champion as well .
Definitely No. 1 Handler in the world!!!!
JPD is proud to develop Medi K vaccination koi food with Narita farm.
Every koi before entry eating JPD Medi K and some JPD koi food at Narita koi farm.

Medi K Vaccination Koi food is a maintenance food for Koi which developing together with Narita Koi Farm to prevent KHV, prevent bacterium disease, to reduce stress, build up health condition before or during any competitions. His farm uses Medi K regularly to maintain their Koi for excellent condition even if there is no koi show as he believes preventing and maintenance is important for Koi.
CEO Ryuki Narita Sancho’s right hand assistance Yamamoto San has realized the effectiveness of Medi k after using it. He builds more confident now to use Medi K.
During the AJKS and other koi shows in the past 1 year, Narita Sancho and Yamamoto San fed the koi with Medi K and the results were definitely excellent than expect. Therefore Narita Koi Farm received the most prize awards during most of the shows.
Once again, congratulations to Narita Koi Farm and all the prize winner owners.



●This product purpose is health maintenance and can feed through the year
(lower temperature limit 14℃ to 16℃).

●It is effective to feed this health maintenance food during the rainy
season and koi show season in which the health condition will be easily

●To care the digestion, this product contains Wheat Germ. Moreover, this
product contains good bacteria (bacillus toyoi) and make it easy to
maintenance the filtration system.

●The “β-Glucan” derived from black yeast will keep the koi’s immune
system healthy and protect the Koi.

在本屆品評會上共416條錦鯉參加中,成田錦鯉場榮獲得了7項目的冠軍,當然也獲得了最大獎項全體總冠軍。 這絕對是執養錦鯉魚首屈一指的技術!世界第一No. 1 Handler!!!!

JPD研發團隊很榮幸能與成田養鯉場共同合作開發Medi K錦鯉飼料疫苗,在Medi K上市前,成田養鯉場就已開始使用JPD各種錦鯉飼料。

在成田養鯉場的錦鯉魚成長過程中,Medi K錦鯉飼料疫苗是相當重要的保健食品,它能防止KHV,也能預防細菌性疾病,減輕緊迫壓力,特別是在品評會比賽前能提升免疫力和增強健康狀況。成田養鯉場都會使用Medi K來定期保健他們的錦鯉魚,保持良好的健康狀況,即使在沒有錦鯉品評會的期間,他仍會繼續使用,因為他認為‘預防’和‘保健’對於飼養錦鯉魚的工作是相當重要。

CEO成田先生的首席助理山本先生使用後見證了Medi k的有效性。他現在更有信心使用Medi K飼料疫苗.

在過去1年AJKS等錦鯉品評會中,成田先生和山本先生持續使用了Medi K,品評比賽的結果比他們的預期的效果成績更為優異。因此成田養鯉場的錦鯉在大部分在品評會都能會獲得不錯的成績。

再一次的祝賀 成田養鯉場及所有獲獎者的飼主及業者們。
●本產品的功能是維持健康,每日餵食量少10:1 〈飼料:Medi k〉, 可全年餵食。(低溫度14℃至16℃)。