

本日成田養魚園にてスペシャルイベント売り出しがあります。是非お越し下さい。隆輝社長より弊社新商品15kgフードストッカーを先着7名様 弊社富士桜10kgとメディKご購入の方にプレゼントさせて致します!社長宜しくお願い致します
Narita Koi Farm Special Event 2016 May 1.
Many nice koi will be auction. 2016 AJKS Grand Champion koi and Young koi show grand Champion were once out from this show before. Potential next Grand Champion koi expected out from here.. Please to look out for next potential grand champion one!
JPD stockers will be giving free while buying10kg Fujizakura + Medi K.
Only 1st 7 customers will entitled for this promotion.
DON’T MISS this opportunity !!
Hope to see you there.
Entry koi as below