JPD received appreciation letter from the board chairman mr.Nakajima of Zen Nippon Airinkai .Thank you very much for blessing JPD all member effort for Nishikigoi industry. I will enjoy to drink ZNA gift Sake with JPD members. Unfortunately I could not attend the party because of overseas business trip. JPD are proud of receiving letter of appreciation from ZNA.
We will do our best for all over the world koi industry.
全日本愛鱗会 会長中島様より感謝状を頂きました。大変名誉で感無量です。微力ながら錦鯉業界の為社員一同協力させて頂いた事を感謝して頂き大変嬉しく思います。頂きましたお酒は社員とご馳走になります。今後とも精一杯錦鯉業界繁栄をお手伝いさせて頂く所存で御座いますので御指導御鞭撻の程よろしくお願い申し上げます。