拜访大日Toyota 锦鲤场

拜访大日Toyota 锦鲤场

拜访大日Toyota 锦鲤场

首先,恭喜Hiroshi Mano San 夺得日本大赛总冠军。我也是这条红白锦川的粉丝。
再来,恭喜红白锦川成功下蛋。Hiroshi Mano San 明日会做第一次挑选。是件大事。 我好期待收成那天。
Dainichi Toyota koi farm visit.
First of all congratulations to Mr.Hiroshi Mano San getting the All Japan Koi Show Grand Champion 2016.
I am big fan of this Kohaku which is Kin Sen 錦川.
Secondly, congratulations to kin Sen 錦川 success in laying eggs.
Mr.Hiroshi San will be doing 1st selection tomorrow.Exciting topics.
Very looking forward seeing this Tosai on harvest season.
Thirdly I am glad to see AJKS Grand Champion Nishiki Sen 錦川 is still in very good condition after egg‐deposition.
Very good body condition and Shiroji as well.Please enjoy to see below photo.