台灣JPD夥伴Hollis 和Brian,我們長期合作至今已有30多年,台日2個世代的企業,能緊密保持長期合作關係,我很珍惜有這段不易的情感。

台灣JPD夥伴Hollis 和Brian,我們長期合作至今已有30多年,台日2個世代的企業,能緊密保持長期合作關係,我很珍惜有這段不易的情感。

台灣JPD夥伴Hollis 和Brian,我們長期合作至今已有30多年,台日2個世代的企業,能緊密保持長期合作關係,我很珍惜有這段不易的情感。
他就像我的弟弟,我也從Hollis 陳先生的學習經營方式。非常感謝他們在台灣與我一起努力的推廣JPD產品

。此次日本JPD在2天前和台灣錦鯉發展協會和桃園錦鯉研究會合作舉辦的的 ‘錦鯉魚病管理研修會’非常成功!感謝許多錦鯉場的業主及愛好家們的 熱情參與交流及學習,若有任何有關錦鯉魚使用飼料的方法及疾病的問題,請與JPD台灣陳先生聯絡!我們會盡速給您的回覆問題。
各位 錦鯉好友 期待下次再來台灣與大家相見
JPD Taiwan members
Mr. Hollis Chen , Mr. Brian Chen
We are in very long relationship more than 30 years.
2 generations relationship.
JPD and I always appreciate their support to sell JPD product and have a very tight family relationship as well.
Mr. Brian was working at JPD after graduate in the USA university.
He sounds like my younger brother and also I learn business ways from Mr. Hollis Chen. We did very good seminar which organized by ZNA Taiwan Koi and Taoyuan koi research association on last Sunday.
It was a very good opportunity to realize what is a status Taiwan Koi industry at that moment.
Lot of the koi breeders and koi dealers are very kindness during my visiting on this business trip.
Best regards to JPD Taiwan.
Please contact Mr.Hollis Chen as below name card when you have a question or request about JPD products.
Looking forward visit to Taiwan again.